What is Trench Heating and what are the benefits of Trench Heating?

7 March 2023 Trench Grilles

As we navigate through the cost of living crisis, the discussion around heating our homes has heated up (pun intended). Now, more than ever, we’re exploring options for cost-effective and energy-efficient heating solutions in our living spaces, all while trying to stay within our budgets and maintain our comfort. If you’re wondering what trench heating is and how it stacks up against other heating systems like central heating or radiators, let’s delve deeper into the pros and cons of trench heating to understand why it’s worth considering.

Speak to our trench heating grille specialists.


What is Trench Heating?

Trench Heating is a type of heating in which trenches are dug into the floor and a simple ‘convector unit’ is connected up to the heating system. It’s then finished with the key design feature, which is the grille. Trench heating can either be electrical or water-based. The water pipes or electrical elements are encased in conduit (a tube used to protect and route electrical wiring which can be made of metal, plastic, fibre or fired clay), then run through the trenches that have been dug beneath the floor.

Trench heating can be used as an independent source of heat, or work collaboratively with other sources like underfloor heating or radiators. It’s highly adaptable depending on your specific needs or the space in question. The type of space the system is being installed in is rarely a hindrance as it can be used in both commercial and domestic buildings. This makes it a very versatile method of heating.

Currently, you’ll find the majority of trench heating systems in offices, shops, public buildings and large conservatories. However, it’s now becoming a lot more popular in apartment blocks and new houses. Modern properties that may have a larger or more modern style of windows are more likely to have trench heating than older properties.

However, trench heating systems are not just limited to larger spaces. With smaller spaces there is also the option of the Micro Canal. This is simply a smaller and shallower unit that is only 60mm deep and 140mm wide. With its exceptionally quiet fans and low profile grilles, it works to give you the benefit of the strong heat source without having to dig as deep a trench as you would with the standard trench heating system.

How does Trench Heating work?

The process starts with drawing cold air through the grilles and into the trench. Once within the trench, the cold air undergoes warming and subsequently rises, creating natural convection to evenly heat the entire room, from floor to ceiling. The system’s design flexibility allows for precise placement of the grilles and heating elements, precisely where and when you need them.

This water-based system can be connected to a standard boiler, but it’s crucial to verify that your boiler possesses the necessary capacity to support it. Each room is equipped with thermostatic valves, ensuring full user control over maintaining the desired temperature.

The trench’s size plays a pivotal role in determining the output of this specific heating system. It directly influences heat production. The trench’s width and depth dictate the heating element’s size, as well as the amount of cool air that can be drawn through the grilles, warmed, and then naturally convected back into the room. For even greater airflow and heat output, a straightforward and unobtrusive fan system can be integrated within the trench.

What Are the Different Types of Trench Heating Systems?

You will need to decide on whether to make your trench heating system water or electrical based, as well as the size of the trench and unit. Most trench heating systems tend to operate in a similar way, so the internal workings do not differ too much.

However, when choosing the right trench heating system, you should consider the type of grille you desire as this element is the part that will be visible. The different coloured steel or natural woods available can be used as a statement element or blend in seamlessly with the rest of the floor. It’s up to you.

What Is the Ideal Trench Grille for You?

Our linear, stainless steel products are very versatile due to the material they’re made from as well as the simplicity of the aesthetic. Stainless steel will work in both modern and traditional spaces.

The Linear T-bar profile grilles have two material options to choose from: natural aluminium, and satin stainless steel. Both work well for their designed purpose.

Next up on the list are the Natural Wood Roll-Ups. This product line has four natural wood materials to choose from:

  • For a light brown colour, consider Ash Wood.
  • If you’re looking for a light orange colour with a finer grain than most wood types, Beech Wood is a great option.
  • Considered one of the most popular woods for wooden grilles, Oak is always a great choice.
  • Sharing similar characteristics to Mahogany because of its golden to dark reddish brown colouring, Sapeli is a durable material to select for your trench heating grille.

Similarly to the Linear T-bar Profile, our Roll-Up Closed Profile product line is offered in both natural aluminium and satin stainless steel. The wonderful part of this product line is that the standard 13mm spacers being made of black PVC; however, the spacers are also available in four alternative colours: grey, beige, light brown and dark brown. This can add a customised feel to your trench grille heating system as you can adapt the aesthetic to best match the space.

Finally, there is the Roll-Up Double T-Bar. Much like the Linear T-bar Profile, the spacers are made of black PVC and are available upon request in the same four alternative colours: grey, beige, light brown and dark brown. The difference between the two being that this product’s spacers are 17mm, rather than 13mm.

The grilles themselves are available in anodized black, which can easily be used to stand out or blend in, depending on the space and your design choices. There is also a gold colour which is a cost-effective alternative to brass and can offer a touch of class. The grilles are also available in natural aluminium, and lastly satin stainless steel for a noticeably higher sheen.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Trench Heating?

Trench heating systems offer a range of advantages and disadvantages that depend on specific requirements and applications. When considering the use of trench heating in your space, it’s crucial to weigh the trench heating pros and cons to make an informed decision.

What are the advantages of trench heating?

There are many advantages to using a trench heating system. Here are just a few of them:

  • Energy efficiency – An energy-efficient heating source such as this one can lower your overall energy costs. With a trench heating system, the heat goes exactly where it’s told to go which helps to eliminate cold spots, condensation and draughts in the room.
  • No noise – The system is designed to operate silently, which is a huge plus!
  • Moisture reduction – The trench heating system limits condensation with floor to ceiling glazing thanks to the natural convection. This is especially important when it comes to rooms like conservatories but also with design elements such as bifold or French doors.
  • Space saving – Trench Grille heating gives you all the benefits of a radiator heating system, but without any extra space being taken up. Due to the grille fitting seamlessly into the floor, you won’t even notice it’s there… unless you choose a grille specifically to make a bold interior design statement!
  • Flexible design – Each trench heating system is carefully designed to your home to ensure it fits the space as perfectly as possible. Curves are no issue as it has the ability to be easily customised.
  • Health benefits – When your trench heating system is properly cleaned and maintained, there will be less dust and allergens in circulation due to its low air turbulence. For individuals suffering with asthma or other types of allergies, this is a massive advantage compared to other heating system types like radiators.
  • Easy to clean and maintain – The entire system has been designed to be easy to clean and maintain to ensure it is always running smoothly and at peak condition.

What are the disadvantages of trench heating?

With so many advantages to a trench heating system, you may find it difficult to envisage any disadvantages. And to be fair, there really aren’t any major cons to the trench heating system. However, if you don’t pay attention to the maintenance and cleanliness of the trench space in particular, you could be faced with a build up of dust particles.

However, this issue is easily rectified by simply keeping on top of it! If it’s looking more dusty than it should, a quick clean will bring it back to its impeccable quality and keep any build up of dust and allergens at bay. The cleaning process is made to be fairly straightforward – you’ll be provided with a hook to help remove the grille so you can vacuum the trench, and the grille itself can be cleaned using a damp cloth. Nice and easy!

What Health and Safety Considerations Are There for Trench Heating?

The main health and safety element you should take into consideration is: can the grille sustain heavy weight or any sudden impact? With the grilles being installed seamlessly into the floor, they will be stood on and walked across on a regular basis. People may also drop a heavy bag or parcel on it, for example, and the last thing you want is for someone to break the grille and fall down into the trench below.

At The Trench Grille Centre, all our grilles are tested for strength and have a manufacturer’s guarantee. This varies from supplier to supplier but it is usually a minimum of 5 years on all manufacturer’s defects.

As mentioned before, you should ensure the trench heating system and grille is regularly cleaned and maintained. This is so that people with respiratory or allergy health issues do not become triggered by dust or allergens being pushed around the room. A health consideration that could be overlooked quite easily, but is entirely necessary.

Finally, there is also the small consideration of the trench being monitored or supervised whilst being cleaned. Due to the grille needing to be removed in order to vacuum the trench, plus the cleaning of the grille itself, there may be a small period of time where there is, to put it simply, a big hole in the floor.

Especially in busy office buildings, this can be a safety concern as if people aren’t being vigilant about where they’re walking. This could cause injury and, in a work situation, open yourself up to compensation claims that could easily be avoided.

Therefore, if for any reason an open trench has to be left momentarily unsupervised, which we really don’t recommend, you should at the very least put up a sign to raise awareness of the hazardous area. If possible, rope off the area entirely to deter people going near it.

What To Consider When Switching To Trench Heating?

Although trench heating can provide numerous advantages, several considerations must be made before making the switch. It is crucial to keep the following in mind:

  1. Existing Heating System: Evaluate your existing heating system and determine whether trench heating can fully replace it or if it will supplement existing heating methods. Many people use trench heating alongside other heating systems like radiators or underfloor heating.
  2. Space Requirements: Trench heating requires space for the installation of trenches along the perimeter of the room or building. Ensure that there is sufficient space available without compromising on other structural elements or room functionality.
  3. Floor Construction: Assess the type of flooring in the area where trench heating will be installed. Trench heating systems are typically installed on floors with a cavity or void underneath to accommodate the heating elements. If the existing floor construction does not allow this, modifications may be needed.
  4. Heat Output and Efficiency: Consider the heat output and efficiency of the trench heating system, particularly concerning the specific heating requirements of the space. Ensure that the system is capable of providing adequate heating while operating efficiently to minimise energy consumption and costs.
  5. Control and Regulation: Evaluate the control options available for the trench heating system. Modern trench heating systems often come with advanced control features, such as thermostats and zoning capabilities, allowing for precise regulation of temperature in different areas.
  6. Installation and Maintenance: Assess the installation requirements and potential disruptions associated with installing trench heating. Consider factors such as access to the site, installation time, and any necessary modifications to existing structures. Additionally, inquire about maintenance requirements and ensure that the system is easy to maintain and service.
  7. Aesthetic Considerations: Trench heating grilles or vents are visible elements in the room and can impact the overall aesthetics. Choose grille designs and finishes that complement the interior design of the space while ensuring efficient heat transfer.
  8. Cost Considerations: Evaluate the initial installation costs as well as the long-term operating and maintenance costs associated with trench heating. While trench heating systems can be more expensive to install than other heating methods, they may offer energy savings and improved comfort over time.

How Is Trench Heating Installed?

The building of the trenches and installing the heaters may seem like a daunting process, however it’s not as tricky as you might think. The most complicated part of the installation is the construction of the trench itself. Once this part is out of the way, it’s a simple process.

The grilles might appear to be fairly complicated. However, they’re usually supplied as single roll-up parts. This makes laying them down nice and easy and ensures they can be easily removed to perform general maintenance and cleaning of the trench and element whenever required. It also means they’re easy to replace if you want to change the colour to fit in with a new interior design.

If there are bespoke space requirements like, for example, a bay window with a distinct curve to it, we can commission the manufacturer to build the trench heater that will fit into the space in question.

Our trench heating systems are pressure tested and pre-assembled at the point of manufacture for maximum convenience. So if you’re planning on installing yourself, you shouldn’t hit too many, if any, issues along the way.

How Do You Choose an Experienced UK Trench Heating Manufacturer?

If you now feel you would benefit from a trench heating system, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us at The Trench Grille Centre to find out how you can get the process started today. Alternatively, complete the order process online via our website. If you’re looking for UK trench heating manufacturers, look no further!

To learn more about what trench heating is and what the benefits of trench heating are.



How does trench heating work?

Trench heating operates by circulating warm water through pipes installed in a trench beneath the floor, emitting heat upwards through discreet grilles.

Are trench radiators any good?

Trench radiators are highly effective for heating spaces efficiently and evenly, especially in areas with limited wall space for traditional radiators.

How deep is a trench heater?

The depths of trench heaters typically range from 150mm to 400mm, providing flexibility for various heating requirements.

What is a trench convector?

A trench convector is a heating system that uses a trench below the floor to distribute warmth throughout a room evenly.

What are the benefits of trench heating?

The benefits of trench heating include space-saving design, uniform heat distribution, and aesthetic appeal.

What are the dimensions of trench heating?

The dimensions of trench heating systems vary but commonly range from around 100mm to 300mm in width and 100mm to 600mm in depth.

How do you clean a trench heater?

Cleaning a trench heater involves removing the grille cover and vacuuming or wiping away any dust or debris that may have accumulated inside the trench.

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Perfect for every space

At The Trench Grille Centre, we have a wide range of high-quality grilles that have been carefully designed to add a sense of warmth and style to your space..

Our Linear Stainless Steel grille adds a touch of modern elegance, while the Linear Snap Profile in natural aluminium combines contemporary style with durability. For a timeless, classic look, explore our Natural Wood Roll-Up options in Ash, Beech, Oak, and Sapeli.

If you prefer a sleek and clean finish, our Roll-up Closed Profile grilles in natural aluminium and satin stainless steel are perfect choices. For a touch of opulence, consider our Roll-up Double T-Bar options in black, gold, natural aluminium, and satin stainless steel.

Elevate your space’s ambiance and comfort with our trench heating grilles, each meticulously designed to provide not only exceptional heating performance but also a touch of sophistication. Upgrade your interiors with The Trench Grille Centre and experience warmth and style like never before.

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